Help us build a healthy future for Hillsdale County.

Every three years, Hillsdale Hospital conducts a community health needs assessment to determine what the public perceives as the most pressing healthcare needs. Help us build a healthy future for Hillsdale County by taking the 2024-2025 Community Health Needs Assessment. The survey is open until February 14, 2025.

Why a Needs Assessment?

The Hillsdale Hospital is a not-for-profit hospital. Its roots in the community date to 1912 when Dr. & Mrs. Midgley came to Hillsdale with the hope of developing a sanitarium. The first facility was opened in 1915. In 1921, the City of Hillsdale assumed the responsibility for a new hospital located at its present site.

The hospital primarily serves the residents of Hillsdale County.

In 2012/13 and again in 2016, the Hospital performed (with the assistance of many community participants and volunteers) a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The new Affordable Care Act requires nonprofit hospitals to complete an assessment every three years. The needs assessment included both a survey of county residents and consultation with county leaders and a comprehensive review of primary and secondary data as detailed in this document. The CHNA was used to create an updated strategic plan for the hospital that can best address the health needs of county residents and create partnerships where necessary to address identified unmet needs.

In 2022, Hillsdale Hospital again, with the invaluable assistance of the Human Services Network of Hillsdale County, performed another needs assessment for our service area. The Needs Assessment that came from this collaborative process and the plan for implementation, approved by the Board of Trustees of the Hospital in June of 2022 is linked below. You can view the assessment, the needs list that was developed by the Human Services Network based on the data and the data slides that were used in this process.