Hillsdale Hospital’s senior leadership team is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our rural community. We have an incredible team of individuals ensuring access to healthcare for our patients and customers. If you need to get in touch with us, please call our main line at (517) 437-4451.

JJ Hodshire Portrait
JJ Hodshire
President & Chief Executive Officer
Mark Gross Portrait
Mark Gross
Chief Financial Officer
Stacy Feltz Portrait
Stacy Feltz
Chief Administrative Officer
Meghan Campbell Portrait
Meghan Campbell
Chief Nursing Officer
Rachel Lott Portrait
Rachel Lott
Chief Communications Officer
John Robertson Portrait
John Robertson
Chief Quality, Information & Technology Officer
Dr. Leslie Bennett Portrait
Dr. Leslie Bennett
Medical Director of Primary Clinics
Scott Brown Portrait
Scott Brown
Director of Facilities
Lindsey Crouch Portrait
Lindsey Crouch
Director of Home Care & Durable Medical Equipment
Seth Gibson Portrait
Seth Gibson
Director of Outpatient Clinics
Randy Holland Portrait
Randy Holland
Director of Ancillary Services & Infection Control Officer
Tricia Masarik Portrait
Tricia Masarik
Skilled Nursing Administrator & Accreditation Specialist
Doris Whorley Portrait
Doris Whorley
Director of Risk Management, Recipient Rights Advisor & Patient Advocate