Healthy grandparents and two support persons permitted for laboring mothers
HILLSDALE, Mich.—Due to the increase in cases of highly-transmissible illnesses in our community, including RSV, influenza and COVID-19, Hillsdale Hospital is limiting visitors to the Bediako Birthing Center, effective December 1.
These respiratory illnesses can be fatal to infants. Visitor restrictions are essential to protecting one of our most vulnerable populations, keeping them safe and healthy.
Visitation Guidelines
- Bediako Birthing Center visitors are restricted to two designated support persons and healthy grandparents only for the duration of the laboring mother’s stay (labor, delivery, and post-partum).
- Children, including siblings, are not permitted in the Birthing Center at this time.
These guidelines will be reviewed regularly and restrictions will be lifted as soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so.