Sleep Studies or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Titrations assist physicians and patients in the diagnosis and treatment of severe or prolonged difficulties regarding sleep. Most sleep disorders can be treated through sleep medicine, but only if recognized and properly diagnosed. The Sleep Lab within Hillsdale Hospital is a specialized facility providing accurate diagnosis and treatment of sleep related problems, and is the only accredited Sleep Lab in Hillsdale County. Our Sleep Lab offers in-lab or at-home sleep studies for patients of all ages, including pediatric sleep studies for patients as young as six years old. We also offer CPAP/BiPAP Titration. Sleep studies are interpreted by our team of board-certified sleep physicians.
Studies are available by appointment with a physician referral and can be conducted at home or in our Sleep Lab, depending on the physician’s order. If you think you might need a sleep study, talk to your physician about getting a clinical evaluation and referral to Hillsdale Hospital’s Sleep Lab.
Our facility is fully accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Sleep disorders can pose serious health risks, including an increased likelihood for heart disease and stroke, and a weakened immune system. Early detection of sleep disorders helps to prevent serious health conditions that may not be apparent to a patient at the time. If you are suffering from symptoms like loud snoring, gasping or choking during sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia, or other sleep related symptoms, talk to your physician about getting a sleep study at Hillsdale Hospital.
To qualify for a sleep study, patients must present with two or more symptoms, including loud snoring, witnessed apneas, gasping or choking during sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia, restless leg syndrome or periodic limb movement disorder. Patients must be evaluated by their physician, then receive a referral before Hillsdale Hospital can schedule a sleep study. Most insurance companies require a clinical evaluation, detailed sleep history and assessment of symptom severity to qualify a patient.
Hillsdale Hospital also conducts screenings in the hospital during admissions to help identify patients who may benefit from a sleep study.
A sleep study can diagnose various sleep disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, insomnia, narcolepsy and other sleep-related conditions. Sleep studies also help evaluate the best treatment for a patient.
Many patients are concerned they won’t be able to fall asleep during their sleep study. Our technicians are experienced in creating a comfortable environment to help patients relax , but it is natural to have difficulty falling asleep in a new environment. Patients should not be concerned about the length of time it takes them to fall asleep, as even a few hours of sleep can provide sufficient data for diagnosis.